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2017 Human Rights Prize of the French Republic

Applications are now open for the 2017 “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize of the French Republic, awarded by the Prime Minister of the French Government.

This Prize, which was set up in 1988, is awarded in recognition and support for the completion of individual or collective projects carried out in the field, in France or abroad, regardless of nationality or borders, and linked to one of two possible themes.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individual candidates, regardless of nationality and borders, should present a field initiative or project to be implemented in France or abroad, on one of the two themes for 2017:
Theme 1: freedom of information, freedom of the press and journalism
Theme 2: promotion and protection of sexual and reproductive rights

Five prize winners will be invited to Paris for the official ceremony. They will receive a medal and share a total sum of €70,000, awarded by the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights.

Five runners-up will be awarded a “special mention” medal by the French ambassador in their country of origin.

Applications must comply with the prize regulations. The prize regulations are available upon request. They can also be found on the CNCDH website: https://www.cncdh.fr/fr/prix/prix-des-droits-de-lhomme

The application must be written in French and include:
a) A letter of application presented and signed by the president or legal representative of the NGO concerned, or by the individual candidate.
b) The application form, which is attached to this call for applications and can be downloaded from the CNCDH website: http://www.cncdh.fr/fr/prix/prix-des-droitsde-lhomme.

Candidates must submit their complete application, before the deadline of 15 October 2017, to the Secretariat-General of the CNCDH: 35, rue Saint-Dominique – 75007 Paris – France, or by email to: cncdh@cncdh.pm.gouv.fr

Once the panel has announced the results, the 2017 Prize will be awarded in Paris by the Prime Minister, around 10 December 2017.

ေရးသားသည့္ရက္စြဲ 05/02/2020
